PC Snobs May Be Right
This newest generation of video game consoles has certainly been a strange one. It began with the rocky start of the Wii U, the fan outcry about Microsoft's poor decision with their X Box One, and the overall lack of compelling software the systems (aside in part for the Wii U). It's kind of a mess, at least in my eyes.
We've had tough start for previous generations, such as the last generation with the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, but this wave of new consoles has the inglorious distinction of coming out of the starting gate outmatched by a silent competitor, gaming PCs.
Most people don't seem to notice or care, but PCs have served as gaming platforms right along consoles for as long as there have been gaming generations. The only problem with them was the issues of high price compared to a dedicated gaming machine and not being as user-friendly. For decades PCs survived as gaming rigs due to their diehard fans, which mostly consisted of proficient computer nerds.
In today's world, things have changed. Nearly every home has a PC, PCs which are much more easy to use and install software on. Computers have now become a accessible platform for a wide variety of gamers, from the casual to the hardcore players. Ease of use has given birth to the possible future of gaming.
That has been the golden ticket of console games for some time now, making games easily accessible to people. Now this has changed, and it has given PCs an even greater opportunity to advance in the market. For the past decade or so, consoles have become remarkably more advanced, but this has come as the price of becoming equally complex. Nowadays consoles need constant updates, internet connections and DLC just to be able to play the entirety of a game.
Only one aspect of console gaming prevents PCs from becoming completely dominant, and that is the availability of exclusive titles. For a company that creates consoles, having software tht is only available for their devices is pivotal. It's what made Nintendo a institution in the industry. It's what allowed Microsoft to release a second console. Consoles need something that will draw consumers to it.
Now look again at where we are in the eight generation of consoles. What's different? Nearly every top tier title is no way, shape or form a console exclusive for any device. So now you can get almost every game you want on almost any system, as well as, and more importantly, on PCs.
I have friend who, like me, plays predominantly Nintendo games. He does however enjoy the Metal Gear Solid series, which is historically an exclusive for Sony's Playstation consoles. Well, for this generation, we will be getting another MGS game, and this time it will available on the Playstation and the X Box, and more excitingly, on the PC. This means my friend can play the game without needing to purchase another console.
So you can get all the newest games on your computer, which is more powerful, more easily updateable, and has superior visuals as compared to the latest consoles? Consoles which will be outdated in a few years? Are you wondering what the point of owning a console is? I am too.
If you're an avid gamer, and you are having trouble deciding which of the newest consoles to get, you may want to consider getting none of them, and instead invest in a decent gaming PC. The only exception may be the Wii U, for all the Nintendo exclusives, and that's if you are a fan of Nintendo games. If you're not, then your decision becomes decidedly easier.
We've had tough start for previous generations, such as the last generation with the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, but this wave of new consoles has the inglorious distinction of coming out of the starting gate outmatched by a silent competitor, gaming PCs.
Most people don't seem to notice or care, but PCs have served as gaming platforms right along consoles for as long as there have been gaming generations. The only problem with them was the issues of high price compared to a dedicated gaming machine and not being as user-friendly. For decades PCs survived as gaming rigs due to their diehard fans, which mostly consisted of proficient computer nerds.
In today's world, things have changed. Nearly every home has a PC, PCs which are much more easy to use and install software on. Computers have now become a accessible platform for a wide variety of gamers, from the casual to the hardcore players. Ease of use has given birth to the possible future of gaming.
That has been the golden ticket of console games for some time now, making games easily accessible to people. Now this has changed, and it has given PCs an even greater opportunity to advance in the market. For the past decade or so, consoles have become remarkably more advanced, but this has come as the price of becoming equally complex. Nowadays consoles need constant updates, internet connections and DLC just to be able to play the entirety of a game.
Only one aspect of console gaming prevents PCs from becoming completely dominant, and that is the availability of exclusive titles. For a company that creates consoles, having software tht is only available for their devices is pivotal. It's what made Nintendo a institution in the industry. It's what allowed Microsoft to release a second console. Consoles need something that will draw consumers to it.
Now look again at where we are in the eight generation of consoles. What's different? Nearly every top tier title is no way, shape or form a console exclusive for any device. So now you can get almost every game you want on almost any system, as well as, and more importantly, on PCs.
I have friend who, like me, plays predominantly Nintendo games. He does however enjoy the Metal Gear Solid series, which is historically an exclusive for Sony's Playstation consoles. Well, for this generation, we will be getting another MGS game, and this time it will available on the Playstation and the X Box, and more excitingly, on the PC. This means my friend can play the game without needing to purchase another console.
So you can get all the newest games on your computer, which is more powerful, more easily updateable, and has superior visuals as compared to the latest consoles? Consoles which will be outdated in a few years? Are you wondering what the point of owning a console is? I am too.
If you're an avid gamer, and you are having trouble deciding which of the newest consoles to get, you may want to consider getting none of them, and instead invest in a decent gaming PC. The only exception may be the Wii U, for all the Nintendo exclusives, and that's if you are a fan of Nintendo games. If you're not, then your decision becomes decidedly easier.
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